Frequently Asked Questions

What’s does “aryeh” mean?

Aryeh is the sound (the transliteration) of the Hebrew word  אריה, which means “lion.” In the first book of the Bible, Jacob blesses his son Judah and equates him to a lion (Gen. 49:9-10); in the last book, the Lion of Judah is worthy to open the scroll (Rev. 5:5). The lion imagery bridges across the two testaments of the Bible. At Aryeh, we feel the presence of God in the fullness of scripture, and thus the name represents our love of that wholeness.

What will a stay at the hermitage look like?

We believe in a balance of community flourishing and quiet solitude. You’ll be invited to take meals and attend worship services with other guests, but you will have freedom to explore your faith in solitary reflection. 

What will I find at the hermitage?

We will provide individual cottages for spiritual retreat, and we will offer teachings on contemplative prayer techniques. We will have a chapel for worship services and a community commons area for meals and classes.  Wi-fi will be limited to the commons area; it will not be extended to the “Insula” (where the cottages will be located). You’ll find a concept idea for the property here.

What does it cost to stay at the hermitage?

Rates will be assessed at a later time. We are prayerfully considering the costs associated with hosting guests.

Individual appointments for spiritual direction are currently offered (prior to the opening of the hermitage). The suggested donation for spiritual direction is $50-$100 per hour. Donations made through this site are appreciated.

What training does the spiritual director have?

In 2023, Den felt the gentle nudge to found Aryeh, but God has spent years preparing her for the challenge. She is currently pursuing a Doctor of Ministry degree and will graduate in 2024. One of her articles about contemplative prayer is published (it can be read here). Den is both a student and a teacher; she has served in Christian education since 2010.

Can I help?

*Prayers for God’s presence at the hermitage are a blessing to us.
*We humbly accept donations; Aryeh is a not-for-profit organization.
*There will be future opportunities for those who feel led to volunteer.